Xiankun LU
Managing Director
Professor LU is former senior official of the Ministry of Commerce of China and former Counselor of China to the WTO.
Email: xiankunlu@163.com
Professor LU is former senior official of the Ministry of Commerce of China and former Counselor of China to the WTO.
Other than Managing Director of LEDECO Centre, Professor LU is concurrently co- organizer of the Geneva-based think tank “Friends of Multilateralism Group” (FMG), member of “High-Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance” of Bertelsmann Stiftung, Senior Advisor of Shanghai WTO Affairs Consulting Centre, Senior
Fellow of China Academy of WTO Studies, Member of Committee of Senior Advisors of “China OBOR 100” and Senior Executive Director of World Federation of Sports Goods Industry (WFSGI).
Professor LU also acts as senior research fellow or Emeritus Professor in the University of International Business and Economics of China (UIBE), Wuhan University of China (WHU) and Sussex University of UK. He is columnist of China Plus of China Radio International and has published numerous articles in selected Chinese and foreign journals and frequently interviewed by Chinese and international media.
Professor LU has abundant experiences on global governance, WTO, China’s economic and trade policies, China’s reform and opening-up and foreign relations. He was leading party in some key trade negotiations of China and in the draft and submission of first official proposal of China to the WTO. He was Chairman of Committee of Import Licensing of the WTO and participant in the International Visitors Program of the US State Department.
Professor LU has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics of China (SUIBE) and LL.M from University of International Business and Economics of China (UIBE). He speaks Chinese as mother tongue and excellent English and French.